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Minutes, November 14, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority was (SRA) held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 6:15 pm, immediately following the SRA Annual Meeting.

Roll Call
Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Michael Connelly, Robert Mitnik and Russell Vickers.  Also present was Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Kirsten Kinzer, CDBG Planner and Andrea Bray, Clerk.

Executive Director’s Report

Executive Director, Lynn Duncan states that the only news is about Tom Daniel, the new economic planner, and she has already spoken about that.

Old/New Business

Redevelopment Authority Project Review

1.  155-189 Washington Street (Salem News Building) – Discussion and vote on Schematic Design Plans for the proposed redevelopment

Kinzer states that this project went before DRB for 3 meetings and has had significant changes to the façade design.  She adds that the DRB recommends approval of the Schematic Design with the following conditions:  
·       That there be more architectural detail at the storefronts
·       That the intersection of the parking lot and sidewalk at Front Street have some architectural treatment defining the edge of the parking lot
·       That greater emphasis shall be placed on the curving front entry
·       If building code permits, the bays on the upper stories should be bumped out somewhat further than shown on the plans.

Picarsic clarifies the last point stating that the bay windows are to now design extend out from the building about 18 inches.  He adds that the storefront glass will not run down to the sidewalk and the columns in front of the storefront will be round in plan rather than square.

Kinzer states that the DRB would still like to see the storefront design in greater detail in the Final Design review.

Brennan inquires as to the location of the main entrances to the upper floors and Picarsic points them out on the plan, along with the emergency exit.

Picarsic states that they are planning to begin construction in February.  He adds that they have selected a lender for funding and appraisals are in progress.  He adds that there will be a total of 31 residential units and the parking lot will be dedicated to residents.

Vickers inquires about the location of the service entrance for retail deliveries.

Picarsic states that they currently deliver in the front of the building and there will be some delivery in the back as well.

Mitnik: Motion to approve the schematic design with the recommendations of the DRB, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 4-0.

Sign Review

2.  Washington Street at Bridge Street (Salem City of Peace Sign) – Discussion of proposed sign in traffic median

Kinzer introduces Claire Ritchie of the Salem Peace Committee.

Ritchie states that the Salem Peace Committee has coordinated the design for the “Salem, City of Peace” sign, which will be a two-sided sign, visible from traffic from both directions on Bridge Street, and placed in the island on Washington Street near the intersection of Washington and Bridge Street. She adds that the sign will be 6 feet off of the ground and 60 inches in width and will not block traffic visibility because it will run parallel to Washington Street.

Brennan asks if the sign has been manufactured yet.

Ritchie states that it has not because the DRB and SRA must approve it first.

Brennan states that he likes the idea and it will need to be reviewed by the DRB, but the City has also hired Andrew Barresi to design a comprehensive sign program for the City.

Duncan clarifies that the Mayor has also formed a Comprehensive Signage Committee which Mitnik is a member of. She adds that she would like to see what this committee would have to say before about this proposal before sending the sign to the DRB.

Mitnik agrees with Duncan that the Comprehensive Signage Committee should review this proposal before sending this to the DRB.

Brennan states that it might be somewhat reckless to approve this without first referring this to the Comprehensive Signage Committee.

Ritchie asks if they are approving of the idea of the sign.

Brennan states that they are tabling any decision until the Comprehensive Signage Committee reviews the sign.

Kinzer confirms that this sign proposal will come back to the SRA for review once the Comprehensive Signage Committee has reviewed and approved it.

Mitnik: Motion to refer this sign to the Comprehensive Signage Committee, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 4-0.

Other Business

Approval of Minutes – June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, and October 9, 2007 Meetings

Connelly:       Motion to approve the minutes for the June 13, July11, August 8, September 12, and October 9, 2007 meetings, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 4-0.

Vickers:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Connelly.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 6:40 PM.